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Become a validator
and earn Caps !

A validator is a virtual entity that lives on the Ternoa Chain and participates in the consensus of the protocol. Validators are represented by a balance, public key, and other properties. A validator client is the software that acts on behalf of the validator by holding and using its private key. A single validator client can hold many key pairs, controlling many validators.

Validators Rewards

There are many advantages to be a Validator in the Ternoa ecosystem, here are some of them :


Staking Rewards Distribution

Rewards are recorded per session, and calculated per era. Thus, rewards will be calculated once per day on Ternoa.


Reward Mechanism

We highlight two features of this payment scheme. The first is that since validator pools are paid the same regardless of stake level, pools with less stake will generally pay more to nominators per-token than pools with more stake.


Validator Pools

The general rule for rewards across validator pools is that two validator pools get paid essentially the same amount of tokens for equal work, i.e. they are NOT paid proportional to the stakes in each pool.

Learn more with our live session !

You can find two videos from our developers explaining the process of becoming a node validator

Become a validator !

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